At your service


At your service

Geesje du Marchie van Voorthuysen hopes to be at service with her paintings and drawings. On occasion she also works on commission and makes portraits and illustrations on request.

Illustrations, a service

a brave new world

Attending service
Revising the meaning of service
Closing down service
Being of service
Service for all

These works are illustrations of the rapid changes in our societies as a result of the technical revolution.

Illustrations are normally not seen as autonomous works of art. They are however part of the history of art. If we look at the paintings and other works of art telling stories from the bible and from Greek mythology, we can even say that they make up a large part of it.

Good service
Part of the service
In service
Mobile service
A powerful service
Service time

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A warning out of service
It's all part of the service

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Service to the family

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